Sunday, July 8, 2007
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Gothic and suicide: a myth almost as widespread as the already discussed relation to Satanism. Beyond the personality of the person it is worth clarifying, and so redundant that is sometimes forgotten, goths are people, it seems that it is necessary to award the label "potentially suicidal" to anyone who presents himself as a member of the subculture. And, as if the myth was not enough, a study in Scotland served to legitimize and reinforce the negative view of society. The research in question is spread through various means (such as the English newspaper El Mundo and the Argentine daily La Nacion. ") The article "The World" - which dates from April 22, 2006 and was removed from states:
" More suicide attempts and self harm among young people" Gothic "
A study has uncovered the darker side of the followers of this urban tribe. Belong to it is associated with an increased risk of self-inflict
They are known as 'Gothic' or 'claims' and are distinguished by their musical preferences and especially for his unique style of dress: a rigorous black, baroque clothing and religious symbols and strings. Also like pale face makeup. But apparently, the peculiarities of this popular urban tribe are not limited to aesthetics . A Scottish study has uncovered another fact less safe: its cult of self-injury and death . In fact, research has found that the mere fact of belonging to this current is strongly associated with a greater propensity to cut, scratched or be and body markings suicide attempt. The relationship is independent of the presence of other factors that predispose to this type of behavior as belonging to certain social class, parental separation, substance abuse (alcohol, drugs or snuff) and a history of depression. Further, the followers any other urban tribe exhibit such level of adherence to self-injurious behaviors such as 'Gothic' . These findings stem from work conducted by researchers at the University of Glasgow, Scotland (UK) and published in the online edition of the journal British Medical Journal .
The study is based on a consecutive series of interviews were conducted with a group of 1,258 kids who were 11, 13, 15 and 19. They were asked about their tendency to self-inflict damage and degree of identification with different subcultures, including the 'gothic'. Being a member of the latter was associated with a 53% frequency self-harm over time and 47% of suicide attempts . The authors note that self-induced physical damage is a relatively common behavior among adolescents. It is estimated that between 7% and 14% is produced cuts, burns or strokes that are interpreted as signs of an adjustment disorder, his inability to deal properly with negative emotions like anger, anxiety, frustration or guilt. However, it is known that self-injury are linked to increased risk of subsequent suicide and disorders like young psiquiátricos.El 'sinister' by the physical damage had been targeted before, but until now no clear evidence on the frequency and meaning. Twelve of the 25 kids participating in the survey who identified themselves as members of this tribe acknowledged that they harmed themselves. Five of them had done before joining the group, after two and four at the time of unirse.Los authors shuffled two possible mechanisms to explain this association. They note, first, that lesions may respond to a normative component of the group and that would occur for other members to emulate. But, alternatively, suggest they could be kids themselves, with a particular proclivity for these behaviors, to be drawn expressly for this current . Believe that both possibilities are present, although the latter seems more likely to explain this dark cult of self-harm "
I'm not able to say that research results are not true because it would be unethical to question the rigor scientific community. However, it is clear that the news spread of those characteristics in a society that already has a negative view about the Goth subculture tends to generate a higher level of rejection of the group. Thus, the vision of "are Satanic" is added to "are depressed" which undoubtedly contributes nothing positive to the situation or help a better understanding of who chose an alternative lifestyle to that proposed by the society.
In addition, articles of this nature do nothing to cause alarm among parents when - go contradiction! - A couple of entries ago we were facing a BBC article, also based on a study-in which was presented to Goths as people with promising futures and expectations for the future ... Now, at this point is worth asking, how is it possible to combine two visions as diverse as set forth here and described by the BBC article? There seems to be a double standard about Gothic is overwhelming and, before which people take for himself the worst-versions of the "depression" of the "suicide" of the "upset" - .
Personally, I would argue that the existence of two conflicting versions as about the same phenomenon is that the characterization of the Gothic as a subculture and lifestyle that is defined in terms of art is not applicable to all those who claim to be members of the group. Thus, it is true that along with those who define themselves as goths for his devotion to the dark art, people with psychiatric disorders, especially depression, which adhere to the subculture because it provides a refuge and, often, pairs with which they can share their experiences. Likewise, others are called "Gothic" themselves by the mere desire to differentiate themselves from the rest of society in order to attract attention, desire, often leads to damage and, although it sounds macabre, show off their scars on fotologs or similar means of expression ... We must not forget that the proximity of poetry and Gothic art in general to the vast source of feelings invests the culture of a halo of melancholy ... and often confused with the "melancholy" with "depression" ...
After all, "Gothic" is a concept and, even when trying to give a precise and concrete, there is always a variety of interpretations even among group members themselves.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
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If the "media" and "Gothic" is there a name that provides the perfect link between the two ideas: Marilyn Manson. Eccentric and controversial, the American musician, whose real name is Brian Warner, represents the crudest nightmares of a society that, at least from the theoretical level, the institute seeks moral principle of all human action. Thus, the ease with which the singer refers in his letters to sensitive issues such as drugs, violence and sexuality make it, along with video games and TV, in one of the "guilty" of episodes marked increase of violence in our days. And no wonder: in a world that builds its ideas from appearances, bizarre image and, at times, macabre Manson-that to make matters worse, was nicknamed himself that way in honor of the actress Marilyn Monroe and murderer Charles Manson Satanist makes him a "scapegoat" for excellence . In fact, much of the company accused him of encouraging, through the lyrics of their songs, really tragic events featuring teens, such as the Columbine Slaughter (USA) and the Slaughter of Carmen de Patagones, it occurred three years in our country.
As proof of this can be seen the next cut about what happened in Patagones. Excerpted from the daily Infobae Article announced, from the owner, a direct link between "crime" and "music" - 'satanic' in case there is any doubt that the adjectives are endowed with a great power in themselves.
" The young murderer was a fan of" satanic music "
His idol is the rocker Marilyn Manson. wore black clothes and spoke English with his select group of friends.
A teenager who sparked the tragedy at the school of El Carmen was described by classmates and teachers as "shy, quiet, of strange behavior, but non-violent "and little integration with the rest of the students.
" was dressed in black, was in a separate small group in which they spoke English, so they do not understand each other, " Santiago said one of the co-author of the murders.
Another boy, named Jonathan, said Junior wrote " crosses upside down, as the sign of the devil .
Meanwhile, on the desk Rafael sat where they could read slogans like: "The sensible thing humans can do is commit suicide," "If someone found the meaning of life, please enter here" "Lying is the basis of human happiness."
"But sometimes approached to play the ball or trick, but was always section with Dante (another partner) and write sentences in English," said Jonathan.
On the other hand, other witnesses say the boy used wear black and listen to music style that some call "satanic heavy metal" style of interpreting the U.S. Marilyn Manson. It also emerged that on his desk were found inscriptions alluding to the devil.
"Sometimes we spoke and did not answer, as if thinking otherwise, was very close, "said Nicholas. He also acknowledged that he had never known another episode of violence in the Junior participate and only learned that he had an" exchange of words ".
is noted in the article, then , a cocktail of elements perfectly consistent to give a more simplistic explanation of the matter: the murderer was shy, antisocial, "dressed in black, gothic or dark, without distinction as to society" is all the same: are the black "- and listened to violent music - how could hear Marilyn Manson if you wore black? - and it was satanic.
This is, in short, the position taken by the public about the case, although it would be unfair not to refer to that there were some discrepancies in the media about the case, as shown in the final frame of http:// . Now, how many factors disclosed in further research on the subject were buried under the simplification that the company gave the case? Often blame the music of Marilyn Manson - exponent of the music "gothic" or "dark", according to media-replaced an afterthought by the society in that should have been considered distinct features of the life of Junior, the protagonist of the slaughter. So, few were those who dared to invest the matter and consider it from the standpoint of the perpetrator: To what extent the cruelty of his peers taunted him constantly dragged him not to commit the crime?, What form the high level of authoritarianism was subjected in his own home did not cultivate his resentment and loneliness?, "from where it should be left to look at" retiring "as an indication of abnormality and start watching the group around him? ... Violence is not good but the silence and indifference either ... The tendency social to define "normal" from the majority and to point the finger at those who do not fit into the same fault for these events. And it is much more than Marilyn Manson, a being the media that, beyond having had a difficult childhood and adolescence (as seen in his biography included in "dark voices" of the links on this site) is not a charismatic figure who knows how to gamble in the casino of fame.
Monday, July 2, 2007
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
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Denise Winterman BBC
Excerpted from the March 23, 2006
A new study says that behind the black hair dye and white make-up goths are simply art lovers who aspire to middle-class values. Is it true?
the time your teen decides to dye his hair black and appeals to the creative with eyeliner can be a nightmare for parents. But a report suggests it may be a time to celebrate.
As suggested by the results of the study at the University of Sussex, is likely to goths grow up to be doctors, lawyers or architects.
are refined and sensitive, fans of poetry and books, not special interest on drugs or anti-social behavior. It is also likely to continue being goths into their adult life.
have the ability to express their feelings and are believers in romance than in casual sex one night, says the report. In fact, the only things dark about goths is their clothing and their sarcastic sense of humor.
"They will not like me saying it, but their lifestyle, unlike the punk scene, is a middle-class subculture," said Dunja Brill, who carried out the study.
"They are usually intelligent youngsters who have rejected the idea that teenagers must meet certain requirements." Like all
But is this really well? Will the pale and haggard young man in the house next to future bank manager in 10 years? There is no better place to find out that the "gothic Mecca that is Camden Market in London.
"Where I live it's usually the chavs who start all the trouble, and not the goths, so I think we quite a peaceful lot," says Antoinette Drakes, 16.
"We just mind our own business and do what we like to do. But goths are like any other group, and much depends on the individual."
"Overall we are quite sensitive but there are some who are not, they're in a pose. Some end up doctors and some will be unemployed. Goths are a mix of personalities, like everyone else. "
If anything distinguishes this article is the peculiarity with which describes the Gothic taking care to separate from the usual cliches to which they are associated. It deals with present as members of a subculture that does not necessarily respond to a transient or transient fashion but has the characteristics of a permanent lifestyle may even remain during adulthood. also emphasizes the values those who aspire goth, which is described as intelligent, ambitious and able to build promising futures. The latter, coupled with the assertion that no "special interest in drugs or antisocial behaviors," debunks the myth, fed up with this in society and the mass media, which tend to enroll in attitudes goths suicidal or violent criminals. On the other hand, the study cited in the text overthrows the idea of \u200b\u200bGothic as adept at sexual immorality and dissolute life in both states who "believe in the romance more than sex in one night."
However, the voice of the same Gothic - conveniently present in the article, handles stress that the reality is not as ideal as it is described above, which is repeated a claim that we noted in the definition that the goths are about themselves: there is no unambiguous description of the subculture as much of the same is defined by the individuals who compose it are not always behave the same way.
latter opens the door to a series of events leading to the press to present the movement in many ways that often are contradictory.