Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pains At 20 Weeks Pregnant

Honduran situation opened a door that unpublished despots might lament

could be emerging a new way to understand the relationships between countries, and the role of multilateral organizations and its relationship with States. Perhaps we are witnessing a paradigm change.

By Alfredo Michelena
With the creation of global multilateral institutions in the mid-twentieth century began a change in international relations worldwide. In particular the concepts of non-intervention and self-determination peoples. Under these rigid concepts, they were created as voluntary institutions both in income and in compliance with its decisions.

This was changed in two key areas: economic and Human Rights (DD.HH.). Which subsequently have constituted "judicial power" independent resolve disputes and impose sanctions. Examples are the World Trade Organization and the Inter-DD.HH. course, but can not impose by force, as happens in a country that used by the police or the army. However this also exists narrowly to issues of security, the Security Council United Nations.
That a multilateral organization requiring the return of a president because she herself, even without hearing the parties, has decided that there was a rupture of constitutional order, is certainly an unusual case. Well be the case if finally Zelaya of Honduras is back in charge. It will be an OAS intervention in internal affairs of a country, moreover, be excluded from the organization, "without the consent of the de facto rulers. And what is more serious without respect for the concept of self-determination of the people, not because Zelaya not legitimately elected president, but because the use of elections, namely the referendum by the people as a solution to the crisis was discarded plane, when it is two months before an election. Paradoxically
coercive intervention of the OAS, based in the Democratic Charter, could make way for other interventions. For example when it violates the right to democracy and governments do not comply with "the obligation to promote and defend" or in the case of systematic violation of DD.HH. Much remains to be seen, but the stubborn defense of President could create a precedent for action to protect citizens from the new dictators.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How Much Is Jon Cryer Paid Per Episode 2010

Government of Venezuela announced closure of another 30 radio stations

by Jose Emilio Castellanos
photo Daniel Echenique, Hamburg (Germany)

The government of Lieutenant-Colonel (r) Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, announced a new radio station closures and the opening of an administrative sanction against the TV news station Globovision.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Colonial Insurance For Pregnancy

The "bizarre tour" of Hugo Chavez and the "jewels" who visit

By Teodoro Petkoff

Tal Cual Digital / editorjc

people, to him, he wondered what the point of this tour bizarre that Mr. Chávez has taken to visit some of the most unpresentable figures on the planet. The only decent person would visit, Vazquez, Uruguay's president, sent him to say, very politely and diplomatically, to stop thing for another chance because there are elections in October and feared that the chatter of the undesirable guest would subtract a few points to the candidate of the Frente Amplio, Pepe Mujica. Bachelet and had taken a similar pod, a few months ago, when he also asked not to be presented over there because it could hurt the Concertación.

Apparently, there are already many who consider it toxic. What was it then? Well, go for a ride to see their buddies, those who have no problems in receiving because almost everyone has smothered their respective publics and the visit of Mr. Chávez goes under the table. His

first stop was in Libya, coinciding with a week apart, with the triumphant arrival home of the Ward of Muammar Qaddafi, who flew a plane over Scotland, killing 270 people. These are the inconsistencies which call to Mr. Chávez's big boys of the Piedrita and other revolutionary circles of the capital. Lina Ron gets dam-that yes, they should be recognized, with considerations to the comrades and which no one any Richard Blanco, "but goes and hugs with some of the biggest promoters of global terrorism, as if man is not nothing but a peaceful batolotas model with those quaint, often appearing in all photos.

From there jump to Algeria, where for several re-elections, rules, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, or Butterfly, as they mockingly call Fidel Castro, for more years than days, who presides over a system that buried many years and the expectations that accompanied the warm solidarity FLN he defeated, in an epic struggle, French colonialism.

Tapping Syria, Bashar Al Assad greeted the son of one who died on the throne and aspiring to the same dynastic destiny. The next stage takes you to that extension of the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness that is Iran, where Ahmadinejad's brother, the more tangled ball dog in the yard, make a little time to the fraternal embrace and the signature 450 new agreements, as good as the 935 and Venezuela signed on previous visits, nobody knows, neither is known for serving. And hence is free fall, to Belarus, where the other My brother, who calls Luka plains, so shake his arms and he will draw some arms contracts, it repels the stop Putin, Tsar of all Russia, teacher all modern autocrats. But they will not believe that Mr. Chávez has no limits. The

have. It was not Sudan or Zimbabwe, although their buddies could see them discreetly away in Libya, where Mugabe and Al Bashir also took a family photo with the green Qaddafi. Perhaps another time, North Korea is. If Clinton was, why did he not? What brings this super tour Venezuela? A curse, as no more miles to the account of Mr. Chávez