Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Member Church Welcome Letter

Computer? A "hoax" to flood the European Parliament

Beware the old traps that offer gifts online, look for Ashley Flores or the son of the engineer Carrillo, false virus alert, religious and other chains Don order to, ultimately, someone will accumulated directions in the email, and will turn your computer full of unwanted publicity in their emails.

Jose Emilio Castellanos
Washington, DC

Bill Gates and Hotmail (Huari Peñaloza) giving away money for every email sent, young Ashley Flores disappeared from her home , Yahoo or hotmail will disappear or begin to charge, messenger close if not forward a chain, chains with fake solidarity patients (college will receive money for operation in exchange for chain emails), stamps and presentations religious, or ing. Edward Carrillo Velásquez stole his daughter, are some of the "traps" launched by traffickers most popular digital address that daily flood our computers.
Many spent years spinning. Some are sent back for fear of being punished for breaking the chains, being caught by bad luck or stop winning millionaire sums not installed in this new form of fictional pyramid Cybernet, or simply naive.
Nobody is going to give a penny for forwarding emails. The only people who receive money are the unscrupulous people who sell our address lists, which then become spam flooding our computers.
Junk mail or spam is any unsolicited message, usually containing advertising, sent in massive quantities without the authorization of the person receiving them. It is usually sent via email, but can also be called through the usenet news, forums, wikis, search engines and blogs.
It is understood that the spam e-mail was born on March 5, 1994, after a law firm Canter and Siegel, published in Usenet message announcement of his law firm, which, as said, on the first day billed about $ 10,000 per case of readers of the network. He took the name
spam by applying a canned meat, the first one did not require refrigeration to retain, which served to placate the massive hunger to U.S. troops during the War and then had great marketing in much of the world. In the case of spam across the Internet, it is identical or nearly identical messages sent to a number of directions. Spam
cyberspace is one who is sent without the explicit permission of the recipients, usually supported with tricks to bypass filters.
The chains are well-spam referirise POSE campaigns to help sick children Hotmail messages so you do not cancel your account or avoid close the Messenger , religious prints, lost children or cases of ill virus warnings (eg, Microsoft today confirmed a new virus).
A "spammer" writes one of these e tricks and throws to the network. The chain begins to move and this helps each person who add their listing and broadcasted the message. Thus, spammers collect thousands of new addresses daily. Which they then sell to the highest bidder.
all starts with the so-called "hoaxes" (jokes, hoaxes), in this case deceptive email messages that are then transformed into strings or spam.
Some "hoaxes" are alarming articles on disasters (Computer viruses, job loss or death) can happen to you if the message is not forwarded, or otherwise, others who say you can become a millionaire broadcasted with only forward the message. In other cases strike a chord with children enfermos.Hoax invoking assumptions, "English word translates to" deception ".
While spam is intended to distribute or advertise a product or service for commercial purposes, the Hoax is presented for different the commercial, but that will be used to increase the addresses are then sold to generate spam.
There are numerous websites dedicated to warn about the risks of spam and hoaxes, so which can also be envisaged risks of viruses and saturation mailings. One of them divided into the following categories: - Alerts incurable virus - messages religious themes - solidarity Chains - Chains of luck - Urban Legends - Methods to become a millionaire - Gifts large companies - Other chains
A portal alert messages with religious themes. They are unscrupulous people who are dedicated to harvest e-mail through prayers, prayers, religious pictures and stories hoaxes, adding at the end of a sentence message such as "if you forward this letter to your entire address book, nothing you ask will be fulfilled" or "members will have bad luck from now ¨.
In any case, it is recommended that these emails are forwarded, if it is the wish of the sender, through closed lists, that is, using the BCC or email hidden space.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Musical Note Friendship Bracelet

spamming: Venezuelan democracy is at "grave risk of collapse"

Jose Emilio Castellanos
Editorjc / vozsincensura

The European House of Parliament expressed in its meeting on May 7 Thursday his "huge" concern at the deterioration of democracy in Venezuela, and issued a resolution urging Hugo Chavez's government to respect the rule of law and constitutional legality.

The resolution states that Venezuelan democracy is at "grave risk of collapse" by the growing authoritarianism of President Hugo Chávez, the concentration of power and increasing authoritarianism "of President Hugo Chavez, and called on the authorities felt Venezuela, especially Lieutenant-Colonel (r) to Chávez, to pursue their political action "through dialogue, respect for the rule of law and constitutional legality."

"Only in this way and the tolerance of political opponents will seize and appropriate representation of different policy options chosen and desired by the Venezuelans, "states the resolution.

The deal was backed by political organizations European People's Party, Liberal Party and the Union for Europe of the Nations, who expressed their solidarity with the political leaders of the Venezuelan opposition, currently pursued by the Government.

The resolution was adopted by 51 votes in favor, one against and no abstentions. Less than 10 percent of the 785 members that make up the camera was present, since the vote was held at the close of the plenary session, when many MPs had left Strasbourg (Northeastern France) ..

The paper had been presented by the liberal parliamentary Romania Renate Weber, who expressed to legislators in Venezuela occur "very suspicious accidents resulting in death of critics, who are not properly investigated."

A voice against this indication, the MEP Paul Guerreiro, Porugal Unitary Left, said the document is an "operation of interference of the European Parliament" in an attempt to "destabilize the Venezuelan state," since it relates about "making only a matter for the sovereign people." After an initial
recorded a decade, Members of Parliament have expressed repeatedly in recent years has seen a "worrying authoritarian drift", which translates to "harassment, threats, intimidation and political and criminal persecution of the opposition and its democratically elected mayors and governors, the student movement and journalists. "

Thus several examples of political persecution, including the mayor of Maracaibo, Manuel Rosales, Chavez threatened with imprisonment, for which he applied for asylum in Peru, which was granted. According to the order, the charges against Rosales have a "clear political motivation in a country in which the Executive largely controls As the judiciary. "

In an official information, the Parliament expressed its solidarity with all who suffer political persecution in Venezuela, welcomed the decision by the Peruvian government to grant political asylum to Manuel Rosales and" categorically rejects threat, violence, abuse of power, defamation and the use of justice as a political weapon to intimidate and eliminate opponents "(paragraph 2).

The resolution also" categorically rejects harassment and expulsion "arbitrary" the American director of the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW), José Miguel Vivanco, Deputy Director, Daniel Wilkinson, "by presenting a critical report on civil liberties and respect for human rights during the 10 year rule of President Hugo Chavez."
In November 2007 the House had rejected a proposal requesting another statement against Chávez.

The text also urges the government of Hugo Chavez to comply with international agreements signed and ratified by his country, including the American Convention on Human Rights. Also remember that, under the Democratic Charter of the OAS on democracy, in addition to the legitimacy gained in the polls, to access the exercise of power must also be a legitimacy of exercise, which is endorsed by the respect for the rules of the game established, with the current Constitution and laws, and the rule of law as a guarantee of a fully functioning democracy, and "necessarily must include respect for the political adversary peaceful and democratic, more so if this has been elected and popular mandate (paragraphs 5 and 3).

The resolution adopted states that President Chávez has spoken in an "offensive and insulting" for a significant number of foreign leaders, and yet when it has been criticized in his own country, has reacted by ordering the expulsion immediate foreigners who dared to criticize him, "including violent expulsion of an MEP" (paragraph I). Finally, MEPs point out that the Venezuelan authorities deemed undesirable the presence of an official delegation of the European Parliament was due to visit the country during the first week of March this year, a visit that was to take place after numerous postponements unjustified by the Venezuelan authorities