Bill Gates and Hotmail (Huari Peñaloza) giving away money for every email sent, Yahoo will begin charging, Messenger close if not forward a chain, chains with fake solidarity patients (Jaime Andaur), stamps and religious presentations are some of the most popular chains released by traffickers digital addresses that daily flood our computers.
Some have spent years spinning. Some are sent back for fear of being punished for breaking the chains, being caught by bad luck or stop winning millionaire sums not installed in this new form of fictional pyramid Cybernet, or simply naive.
Nobody is going to give a penny for forwarding emails. The only people who receive money are the unscrupulous selling our address lists, which then become spam flooding our computers.
Jose Emilio Castellanos
Junk mail or spam is any unsolicited message, usually containing advertising, sent in massive quantities without the authorization of the person receiving them. It is usually sent via email, but can also be called through the usenet news, forums, wikis, search engines and blogs.
It is understood that the spam e-mail was born on 5 March 1994, after a law firm Canter and Siegel, published in Usenet message announcement of his law firm, which, as stated in the first day billed about $ 10,000 per case of readers of the network .
took the name of spam by applying a canned meat, the first that did not require refrigeration to retain, which served to placate the massive hunger to U.S. troops during the war and then had a great marketing great the world. In the case of spam across the Internet, it is identical or nearly identical messages sent to a number of directions.
cyberspace is one who is sent without the explicit permission of the recipients, usually supported with tricks to circumvent spam filtros.Los are strings rather POSE referirise campaigns to help sick children Hotmail messages so you do not cancel your account or close the prevent Messenger, religious prints, lost children or cases of ill virus warnings (eg, Microsoft today confirmed a new virus).
A espammer drawn one of these e tricks and throws to the network. The chain begins to move and this helps each person who add their listing and broadcasted the message. Thus, Spammers collect thousands of new addresses daily. Which they then sell to the highest postor.Todo begins with the so-called hoaxes (tricks, deception), in this case deceptive email messages that are then transformed into strings or spam.
alarming Some hoaxes have word on disasters (computer viruses, job loss or death) can happen to you if the message is not forwarded, or otherwise, others who say you can become a millionaire broadcasted simply forward the message. In other cases strike a chord with children enfermos.Hoax invoking assumptions, "English word translates to" deception ".
While spam is intended to spread or advertise a product or service for commercial purposes, the Hoax is presented for purposes other than commercial, but that will be used to increase the addresses that are later sold to generators of spam .
There are numerous websites dedicated to warn about the risks of spam and hoaxes, which can also be envisaged risks of viruses and saturation mailings. One of them divided into the following categories: - Alerts incurable virus - messages religious themes - solidarity Chains - Chains of luck - Legends urban - Methods to become a millionaire - Gifts large companies - Other chains
A portal alert messages with religious themes. They are unscrupulous people who are dedicated to harvest e-mail through prayers, prayers, religious pictures and stories hoaxes, adding to the message some phrase like "if you forward this letter to your entire address book, nothing ask what will be fulfilled "or" members will have bad luck from now ¨.
In any case, it is recommended that these emails are forwarded if the sender's desire to through closed lists, that is, using the BCC or email hidden space.
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