"The fact that the president of Colombia, in an act of such entity that brought together twenty countries and a host of international observers, have reported to the presidents of Venezuela and Ecuador as collaborators of the terrorists they have kidnapped 700 people, can not disappear for more than handshakes and smiles forced to give ".
Diego Arria / New York
the leading developer of crisis, Hugo Chavez arrived at the Rio Group summit, hoisting a white flag, but unlike the last Ibero-American Summit, Chávez was silent not because he ordered the king of Spain, but by Alvaro Uribe terror to further disseminate there the evidence in the three computers alias Raul Reyes, chief of the FARC cash on their cooperation and his security minister to this organization responsible for crimes against humanity such as are established by the International Criminal Court: murder, severe deprivation of physical liberty (kidnapping), enforced disappearance and torture.
The FARC is classified as a terrorist organization by the United States, Canada and the European Union. Additionally, the Security Council by UN Resolution 1373 put on an equal footing in terms of responsibilities for both players in acts of terrorism and those who cooperate with them. It also agreed that States have an obligation to suppress the financing of terrorist acts, to abstain from providing any type of support, active or passive, to entities or persons involved in committing acts of terrorism. Just that would have been raped by both Venezuela and Ecuador - but to varying degrees.
be recalled that the Security Council resolutions are binding and mandatory and that, acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, requires no special lists of terrorist organizations but only to consider that an act of international terrorism is a threat to international peace and security. All these considerations were more than disturbing for Chavez to stay silent - only Correa, who seemed not to understand what was at stake for him and his government, raving.
The fact that the president of Colombia, in an act of such entity that brought together twenty countries and a host of international observers, have reported to the presidents of Venezuela and Ecuador as collaborators of the terrorists who have kidnapped 700 people, can not disappear for more than handshakes and smiles forced to give.
not be forgotten that among the hostages held by FARC for about seven years include three U.S. citizens. To them and to their governments the agreement of the Summit is not sufficient. In similar situation would be Ingrid Betancourt, the most prominent victims of the FARC.
not be forgotten that among the hostages held by FARC for about seven years include three U.S. citizens. To them and to their governments the agreement of the Summit is not sufficient. In similar situation would be Ingrid Betancourt, the most prominent victims of the FARC.
Since this is the reality, it was inexplicable see her mother sitting behind President Chávez, unveiled as a cooperator of the FARC. The troubled mother, as President Sarkozy, have two options: Hugo Chávez sue to require the FARC - not to declare the press - the immediate release of Ingrid or paid traffic to show evil Chavez hostage and the FARC have been practicing.
crimes against humanity committed by the FARC - and have had the assistance of two governments - are too serious to be overlooked. Colombia's president has an obligation to share with the international public opinion all the documentation contained in the computers, once validated INTERPOL. Similarly to their families, to take legal decisions which would have the right to practice in their countries against security ministers of Ecuador and Venezuela - and of course against their presidents Correa and Chavez. ------------
Diego Arria was President of the Security Council of the UN.
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