The cruelty of the English, who went on to posterity as "The tyrant Aguirre" - reached limits ends: in 10 months came to kill 72 people of issue by considering them useless ... In 1561 forced the chiefs and soldiers under his command to sign a declaration of war English Empire was proclaimed Prince of Peru, Tierra Firme and Chile.
Author: Elias Anzola Pérez
Among the English characters linked to the colonization of American soil contained Lope de Aguirre, born about 1510 in the Valley of Araotz, Manor Oñate, by that time Kingdom of Castile, the Basque Country today.
When Francisco Pizarro returned to Spain from Peru with the news of the fabulous treasures that were there, Aguirre, 21, lived in Seville, where he joined an expedition 250 men under Rodrigo Buran, arriving in Peru in 1536. At that time the English crown wanted to implement the so-called New Laws, and end the encomienda system and liberate the natives did not like provisions because those provisions conquerors prevented them from further exploiting the Indians.
Lope de Aguirre, upon his arrival to Peru, he enlisted in a military contingent under the command of Núñez Vela and for two years he captained faced that Gonzalo Pizarro and Francisco de Carvajal. In 1546 the latter defeated Núñez Vela and Lope de Aguirre then fled to Nicaragua, returning to Potosi, then part of Peru- in 1551. After his capture he was arrested and publicly whipped by order of the judge Francisco de Esquivel, a judge whom he pursued for several years to kill him at his residence in Cuzco, which earned him a death sentence that was never fulfilled.
In September 1560 the conquistador Pedro de Ursua broke down the Amazon River, then called Marañón, in search of the fabled El Dorado with 300 soldiers, including Lope de Aguirre and Elvira, daughter-mixed, several dozen black slaves and 500 Indian servants. On the route taken history will refer to them as "The cashew.
A year later, Lope de Aguirre participated in the overthrow and assassination of Ursua and then his successor, Fernando de Guzman, who was replaced as chief, also sent to kill Ines de Atienza, mestizo who had been the girlfriend of Ursua. Finally, the expedition reached the Atlantic Ocean, possibly at the mouth of the Orinoco River.
Lope de Aguirre in 1561 forced the chiefs and soldiers under his command to sign a declaration of war against the English Empire was proclaimed Prince of Peru, Tierra Firme and Chile, as detailed letter sent to King Philip II, signing with the nickname of "Traitor." That same year he took Margarita Island, where detailed written several letters to the king, signing with the nicknames of "Pilgrim" and "Prince of liberty." In Barquisimeto killed his own daughter and several of his followers, and finally was killed in that city by one of the sailors on October 27, 1561. His head was caged and sent to The Tocuyo, in a trial post-mortem was found guilty of lese majesty.
When Francisco Pizarro returned to Spain from Peru with the news of the fabulous treasures that were there, Aguirre, 21, lived in Seville, where he joined an expedition 250 men under Rodrigo Buran, arriving in Peru in 1536. At that time the English crown wanted to implement the so-called New Laws, and end the encomienda system and liberate the natives did not like provisions because those provisions conquerors prevented them from further exploiting the Indians.
Lope de Aguirre, upon his arrival to Peru, he enlisted in a military contingent under the command of Núñez Vela and for two years he captained faced that Gonzalo Pizarro and Francisco de Carvajal. In 1546 the latter defeated Núñez Vela and Lope de Aguirre then fled to Nicaragua, returning to Potosi, then part of Peru- in 1551. After his capture he was arrested and publicly whipped by order of the judge Francisco de Esquivel, a judge whom he pursued for several years to kill him at his residence in Cuzco, which earned him a death sentence that was never fulfilled.
In September 1560 the conquistador Pedro de Ursua broke down the Amazon River, then called Marañón, in search of the fabled El Dorado with 300 soldiers, including Lope de Aguirre and Elvira, daughter-mixed, several dozen black slaves and 500 Indian servants. On the route taken history will refer to them as "The cashew.
A year later, Lope de Aguirre participated in the overthrow and assassination of Ursua and then his successor, Fernando de Guzman, who was replaced as chief, also sent to kill Ines de Atienza, mestizo who had been the girlfriend of Ursua. Finally, the expedition reached the Atlantic Ocean, possibly at the mouth of the Orinoco River.
Lope de Aguirre in 1561 forced the chiefs and soldiers under his command to sign a declaration of war against the English Empire was proclaimed Prince of Peru, Tierra Firme and Chile, as detailed letter sent to King Philip II, signing with the nickname of "Traitor." That same year he took Margarita Island, where detailed written several letters to the king, signing with the nicknames of "Pilgrim" and "Prince of liberty." In Barquisimeto killed his own daughter and several of his followers, and finally was killed in that city by one of the sailors on October 27, 1561. His head was caged and sent to The Tocuyo, in a trial post-mortem was found guilty of lese majesty.
The cruelty of the English, who went on to posterity as "The tyrant Aguirre" - reached extreme limits: in 10 months came to kill 72 people of issue by considering them useless. The beach Tirano, or Puerto Fermin, northeast of the island of Margarita, prolongs the memory of this bloody character who has been the subject of several literary works, films and music, some of which mention in the next paragraph. Arturo Uslar Pietri
published in 1947 "The road to El Dorado" and Miguel Otero Silva unveiled in 1979, "Lope de Aguirre, the Prince of freedom." Evencio Castellanos composer wrote the oratorio "The tyrant Aguirre, who was to be released in a function of reopening of the Teatro Municipal in Caracas on July 29, 1967 and was later suspended for a few minutes into the concert the city was rocked by a strong earthquake leaving serious material damages and loss of life.
published in 1947 "The road to El Dorado" and Miguel Otero Silva unveiled in 1979, "Lope de Aguirre, the Prince of freedom." Evencio Castellanos composer wrote the oratorio "The tyrant Aguirre, who was to be released in a function of reopening of the Teatro Municipal in Caracas on July 29, 1967 and was later suspended for a few minutes into the concert the city was rocked by a strong earthquake leaving serious material damages and loss of life.
Certainly the author of this review, together with a friend and fellow doctor, now deceased, was anxious on the side of the coliseum box office Caracas trying to get the necessary input-free, but exhausted "when they felt the eerie noises that made us go down, stampeding, eight or ten steps of the semicircular steps and then a "Who knows how long!" take our respective directions. I've never been gone from the mind the question of whether such a fateful moment there was a fateful link with the cruel character.
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