Jose Emilio Castellanos
From Puerto Rico
a kid listening to Daniel Santos in traganíqueles calls, jukeboxes or belloneras the neighborhood where he lived a few blocks from Trastalleres, where Daniel was born precisely .
When I was 13 years Daniel Millin returned to Puerto Rico looking for new directions. He had been in the army in World War II, and life had changed in New York. In San Juan, decided to form a group under the color of sound. In 1947 The Chief · search of the best musicians that were on the island and in a short time had his group, La Sonora Boricua, placing four trumpets, which sounded much stronger and different from the Sonora Matancera.
Little is known about the Sonora Boricua, though some scholars say it sounded better than the Sonora Matancera. Emilio Rivera
Millin ¨ ¨, passionate collector of music, has devoted part of his life to rescue it part of the story of Daniel Santos, and brought together, with support from two friends collectors, the 36 pieces were recorded between 1947 and 1949. Then transformed into two-CD collection, with plenty of information to be released through talks and radio programs.
Millin, who in turn is one of the founders of the Collectors Club of San Juan, I said that musicians who belonged to the Sonora Boricua were very famous before and after coming to this great group. One of them, singer, trumpeter and trombonist Pete Sepulveda, helped recostruir this story. Of this group survive Sepúlveda, Luis Elmore and John Zamora.

not explain why they started to leave the LP, around the years 1951 or 1952, the record companies RCA Secco and made a record length of Sonora Boricua, which they did with other groups.
reveals that in 1992 bought a CD from the "Secco" with the name ¨ Grandes Exitos de Daniel Santos Sonora Matancera ¨, and was surprised when I heard and in four of the recordings are listened saxophones, clarinets and other instruments does not have the Sonora Matancera.
The following is his account of what was his task to rescue the persistent ¨ ¨ musical treasure of the late 40's, born in a radio studio in Puerto Rico.
"When I finish listening to the album I find that there are only recorded two songs with the Sonora Matancera, which are the sailboat Bolero" ¨, written by the Daniel Santos, bolero and mambo "Rain or Shine," by RB McLean, which were recorded by Daniel with the Sonora Matancera in 1950. I also find in this recording the bolero "Rosa" by Leopoldo Gonzalez (although I think I wrote Daniel) and the bolero "returned" by Leopoldo Gonzalez, who recorded Daniel with the Orchestre de Moncho Usera on March 18, 1946, the song Jíbara, Robert Cole, Romance del Campesino and the bolero "On my Honor" by M. Jiménez, recorded by Daniel with the Orchestra of Rafael González Peña, also in 1946 ¨.
"The other six numbers on this recording with La Sonora Boricua are always with you, Bolero Robert Cole, Song of the Highlands, Song Jíbara Robert Cole, My Word of Honor, Bolero Daniel Santos; Bello Mar, Bolero Daniel Santos, A. San Lazaro, René Márquez Bolero Red, and here in Heaven, Bolero Ramon Jr. Galguera ° After listening to this album, "adds Millin, I gave myself the task of giving to know everything I could about the Sonora Boricua Daniel Santos. "
" I kept looking at my club and find a compact of Perez Prado and his Orchestra, the house also Secco with the name of "Latin Dance Party", and turned to surprise when I found on this disc is supposed to Perez Prado and his orchestra, four issues of Daniel Santos "La Sonora Boricua" The seven and a half of Justi Barreto - Guaracha; Chambeleque Mercedes Alvarez and Florencio Hernandez, Guaracha, Always With You by Robert Cole - Bolero, and, You do not have sort of Hemeregildo Cárdenas - Guaracha ¨.
"In this compact" Latin Dance Party "do not even mention the name of Daniel Santos. However, there is an LP with the same cover and title that preceded the CD and here if you happened to mention to Daniel, only to say that Daniel sings these four numbers with Perez Prado. Error or nonsense? "As a nine songs had already kept looking at my old records and found five more songs on an LP for RCA Victor: Martin EI Loco, Daniel Santos, Guaracha; The Trumpets of Mario Recio, guaracha, El Rey del Bombo, Daniel Santos, Guaracha; At best, Robert Cole, Bolero, and Why do you doubt my love?, Daniel Santos, bolero. "
"With these fourteen songs on tape started recording what became the first recording rather long time for "Sonora Boricua. This was the year 1993 and the first copy I gave my friend Osvaldo Castillo, collector of San Juan. "
"After two years, since mid 1995, I returned to the issue of Sonora Boricua, organized my thoughts and started writing notes of all he remembered of the" Sonora Boricua. "I was in the presentation Group made at twelve noon from the Radio Station Theater WIBS, which was located in Building Industrial Cotton, Avenida Fernández Juncos Santurce, the next to where the coffee is made Yaucono. "
" In this same building was also Ochoa Records Studio, I have understood was the only house in Puerto Rico recording and recordings made him the big companies of all artists that they represented. Here were almost all recordings of Sonora Boricua Daniel Santos. "
" The group took a long time in these programs at noon and often had to cut classes to arrive on time and get a seat. When I could not be listened to by radio. I was then 14 years. "
" The speakers who took turns cheering the program, since there was no one fixed as they were the privileged voices of radio and masters of ceremony at that time. These were King Arenas, Fidel Cabrera, Jose Angel Gutierrez and Jose Manuel (Memel) Alvarez, the only living of cuatro.La Sonora Boricua, like all bands, had his song with which began and ended the auditions, which was very nice and was written by Daniel Santos. I well remember the tune and every time I sing by imitating the voice of Daniel Santos. I kept looking for more songs recorded by "La Sonora Boricua" and found the Guaracha "They formed The Quarrel" by Pablo Cairo and "EI Bobo of cassava" Marcos Perdomo until completed eighteen numbers with Bolero "Heart" of Juan Ramón Balseiro, with the help of fellow collector Don Axel Rivera. "
" Thus was born the first compact Sonora Boricua "recorded by this server. This compact I gave copies to some 22 or 23 friends all collectors. Before we go giving away copies, the Puerto Rican friend and broadcaster "Rafy Torres" invited me to his famous Bohemian Saturday, after I told him about my project with the "Sonora Boricua" because it seemed interesting. I took the CD twice to his program on Radio Station AM.En WKAQ calls both programs were swift and listeners began to ask where she had got that record, who I was and many requesting copies. Others were surprised they had never hear of "La Sonora Boricua" and I answered all the questions I did in the air. "
" The only number that listeners knew was "Song of the Highlands", and which was the subject who used the Labour Department for job offers. Before the recording many believed was with La Sonora Matancera. "
"I kept looking for more recordings and this time with the help of his friend Oswaldo Oganez, great collector who got me guaracha" EI Granite Corn René Márquez Red, "I touched mine" Paul Cairo and "Fighting with her" by Daniel Santos and with the collaboration of Jaime Jaramillo collector friend, I got enough to make a second CD. "
" Daniel took his Sonora Boricua to Curacao, Aruba and Santo Domingo. He stayed in the air had a trip to Venezuela by a disagreement arose between Daniel and several of the musicians, and soon after came the ú1timos days of "La Sonora Boricua" at the end of 1949. "
" I tried by all means to get a photo of the group, but it seems that there is, as there is no LP, cassette or CD, or a recording of the song in the set, except for my recordings caseras.Ya in the year 2002 I managed to make the second CD which included 16 songs rather than the 18 recorded in the first CD sum 34 because we could not get two numbers of the 36 that are "As are the kisses" and " Rumba has value "both the Cuban composer Pablo Cairo."
"Of all the songs recorded by La Sonora Boricua, twenty-two were with the company" Secco "and fourteen with RCA Victor, for collectors who are interested in these recordings I have a list available. "
" The bear was none other than our great composer Roberto Cole, the pianist was Joe White, who was later in the César Concepción Orchestra and others. The conga touched a boy of 19 named Rafael Cortijo ... "
The musicians who made up" The Sonora Boricua "were
Daniel Santos, Director, singer and composer;
Joe White, Pianist and arranger ;
Robert Cole, Bassist, composer, arranger,
Victor Rodriguez, First Trumpet and arranger;
Pete Sepulveda, Second trumpet and singer;
Juan Zamora, Third Trumpet;
Nestor Romin, Fourth Trumpet;
Tito Henriquez, guitar and choir :
Rafael Cortijo, Tumbadora, requinto ;
Luis · Elmore ¨ Sanchez, congas Second, soneos and chorus;
Adalberto Rivera, Bongo;
Gino Picart, singer and chorus.
"The group had no drummer and personally I did not need to have a Rafael Cortijo, although he was very young and was a master of the congas. A group with this group of outstanding musicians had to be good. As you noticed The group had four trumpets, something very rare at that time, as most of the sets only had two trumpets. I can think that was one of the early music ensembles of its kind that used four trumpets. "
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