The book analyzes the impact football as a political phenomenon, economic, social, cultural, educational and supportive, demonstrating that there is another phenomenon with the ability to influence many areas and in many countries simultaneously. Maybe that's why a German journalist said: "The world is round because God is a fan of football."
Throughout these months (and more in the months prior to the arrival of the World) have been contacted numerous media radio (COPE, Ser, Intereconomía, Punto Radio, Radio Popular, RNE ... ), press (Marca, As, 20 minutes, Corporate Dossier, Five Days, The reason ...), television (Antena 3, La Sexta ...), blogs / websites (Sportyou, ...), Professional Football League in both Spain and across the Atlantic (Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil ...) to ask about football as a "phenomenon of phenomena."
World These days you can check the euphoria unleashed in our country with the beautiful game and selection. Companies conditioned rooms to keep the parties and others give time off to follow the matches, fans flock to the fan zone to enjoy the matches wearing shirts, hats, flags, pins, paintings or any other occurrence associated with the Red . According to a study we are the biggest spender in merchandising and souvenirs (27 euros per person) well ahead of French and English (15 euros), the political leverage to comment and link the virtues football success as a nation sells more newspapers than ever and increase television audiences and shares, the bars sell more than ever, it is estimated that the consumption of beer per person a normal day is a bottle and the days of matches increases to 14 games (see post By selecting we all win.)
But the recurring question that I do journalists is: Why football has achieved what other sports have failed? In the book I explain some reasons I reproduce below:
First. Football needs very well suited they are present in all human beings:
- Need Group: Aristotle said that "man is a social being by nature" and needs of others, and in football, the feeling group appears very sharp. When you decide to support and become a follower of a team (more if the national team), one is accepted unconditionally regardless of gender (male or female), age (young or old), the political trend (of left or right ), religion (Catholic or atheist) or status (high or low economic). The defense of some colors unites us all.
- Need to unclog stress : It was Seneca who said that "start living is starting to suffer." Life is not easy and for some less than others. For this reason, we all need from time to time escaping the suffocating every day, something like "escape from the immediate reality" (Raymond CARH). Football makes it possible. Following a party-in stage in a bar, ...- home is one of the few occasions when one can remove our masks and formal pose to scream, screaming, hugging, jumping, singing, cursing .. . Football provides a therapeutic effect.
- NEEDS illusions: each party is born and dies every game is a chance to win, and thus gain recognition. The illusion is the engine of life. The man is a projective, needs-drenched dreams and future lives, the future is what moves us and pulls us forward. Therefore, it is said that "much of the passion for football to wait depends on things that do not necessarily happen." Football keeps people like a child waiting the arrival of the Magi. Every encounter, regardless of who is the team favorite hand-one always expects to win. Each party-especially if it's against a big-awaken hope the fans to emerge winners, what makes us alive and happy ", which, if they occur, even harder feeds waiting for the next meeting.
Segundo. Football is, above all, excitement due to the unpredictability of the outcome. The mystery of the outcome, short almost always increases the uncertainty, according to some empirical studies, is the most crucial variable to go to the stadium or following a football match. In this sport characterized by markers set, chance, good or bad, has its role. The refereeing errors, failures of the goalkeeper, the said penalties ... leaving out any favorite (see post The ball has reasons that reason does not understand ). In a World Cup can not fail any day, any dismissal will gets out of the competition and that increases the excitement. We have seen in the Spain-Paraguay. In less than a minute two penalties in two different areas and two pitchers mistakes. We saw it in Ghana, Uruguay. At the last minute of extra time Ghana was left with honey on the lips. Third
. The ease of review. Football is not a science and as such, supports views. In science the truth is known in advance, no football, making it an element of debate and discussion, which attracted because everyone likes to give his opinion. The Football is the sport that everyone knows ... lot. All we are-not-be coaches and presidents, and we also know more than the rest, and indeed, others have no idea. In football, everything is subject to public scrutiny: the layout tactical changes throughout the match, the signings, business management, gambling or any other matter. Everybody says, participate and understand. There are so many coaches and people. We all have one inside, and besides, we are better than others: "Many hundreds of thousands of English, perhaps thousands of thousands, they apply their energies on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays to gloss over the sets of the football game is over, and arrests on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays to predict the happenings of the football game is coming soon. Sunday rest and go to football: to suffer or bask, honestly, watching others suffer "(Camilo José Cela).
Fourth. The simplicity of the rules. is another factor that has contributed to its reputation . Explain to anyone who has never gone to see a football game what it is relatively simple. The RAE defines it thus: "game between two teams of eleven players each aiming to get a ball into a goal under certain rules, of which the most characteristic is that it can be played with hands or arms ". The 17 rules of the International Board are simple and clear and some have been refined over the years. The only rule a little more convoluted, the "offside" is easily understood. And a little more. In other sports, cricket, football, baseball ...- understanding of the game is not so simple.
Spain, has finally reached World Cup final, "the appointment of global interest." There are only a few hours for the last match of the tournament: Spain, Holland. Everything a country awaiting a match. I send you these words of Alejandro Jodorowsky to welcome the book: "Following the World Cup [2002] I was forced to consider a sport that for me was a symbol of ignorance disgusting, a summary of the stupidity of a civilization with soul atrophied. He did not understand why it was so important that a group of louts would kick a leather ball. I thought it was an activity developed aggression and chauvinism, caused fatal accidents in developing countries, atrophied spiritual creativity of children and served as an excuse for bureaucrats to hide their existential void filling their guttural alcoholic gatherings on the goal. I was wrong. I said: a show attended by kings, presidents, ministers, who do not attend openings, book fairs, an act which is televised to millions of people see it, you must have a deep meaning. Can not be something stupid. Million people, most kings, presidents, ministers and dictators, not glued to the TV as well. Football has to mean something for humanity, because if a game without spiritual content, then this is insane civilization and humanity is left to be manipulated by traders to fleece their bellies money could be used for charitable purposes such as hospitals, food helpless beings, and so on. No, I said, football has to be contributing something to humanity! ".
* For more information:
- Web book http://www.fenomenodefenomenos.com/
- Blog book Phenomenon Phenomena: http://www.fenomenodefenomenos.blogspot.com/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Futbol-Fenomeno-de-Fenomenos/105745181099
- Twitter: @ fenomdfenom.
- Posts: Why football is a social phenomenon? (I) and Why football is a social phenomenon? (II) .
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