This German of Turkish origin, 22, and Newcomer of the last World Cup, is the new star in the league. In a championship where they reign Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, Özil is called to be the great white hope. Mourinho, his coach, is convinced. In his speech, precisely in this conversation. Also on happiness, integration and why not, their passion for shoes.
For its price, 15 million euros, is considered the bargain of the year. Long ago that Real Madrid did not pay so "little" by a player of this quality. In fact, the first thing he did for his new club was to set his buyout clause in 250 millones.Esta staggering response to the blind trust has placed in Özil Mourinho. The coach is convinced that in a few years, his protege will be the best player on the planet. For the moment, this son of Turkish immigrants of second generation has begun to demonstrate its ability to be the "dancer" that badly needs his team to keep the pulse with the club. For something many already called The Prince.
XLSemanal. How is in Spain?
Mesut Özil. Very happy. I adapted quickly. I have had the support of my family who was with me the first few weeks. Everything went without a hitch. Mourinho's team and help me in the acclimation.
XL. How did you first enter the Real Madrid dressing room? Was greeted with arrogance for some superstar like Cristiano Ronaldo?
M.Ö. Not so. Immediately I was greeted with affection, they were all very friendly. They still are.
XL. It was always said to go into a group of stars like this is getting into a pool full of sharks ...
M.Ö. On the contrary. Everything is very familiar. The workouts are serious, but we have fun together off the field.
XL. For example?
M.Ö. I laughed with crazy hairstyles photos with someone of the team made on the computer and then every box office hit.
XL. Is 21 and has signed for six with a card that guarantees not to worry about money anymore. Would you be scared already reached their dreams?
M.Ö. I'm in the biggest club in the world, commanded the best coach in the world ... but I still have not won a title with Real Madrid. I still have a long and difficult road to achieve my dreams.
XL. What is your long-term goal?
M.Ö. Being one of the best in the world. Therefore say to come over to Madrid, because I want to continue to move here, with Mourinho. I am very happy with my new coach, and not just because it won many titles with multiple computers.
XL. Your contract with Werder Bremen, his former team, had this year and his original intention was exhausted before changing equipment. What made you decide to Real Madrid?
M.Ö. Most important was a conversation with Mourinho. He told me he wanted me on the computer at all costs. It lasted half an hour, three quarters, by telephone. Convinced me and I'm here. He told me he had me.
XL. What did he say, exactly?
M.Ö. I do not want to elaborate. The important thing is that I was convinced. Moreover, in recent years has shown that many players grow up with him.
XL. Let's go to the other side of this business: recently stated that he had greatly affected the history of depression Sebastian Deisler, a player who could not resist the pressure at Bayern Munich and committed suicide. What level of pressure is put you?
M. Ö. When I play football all I feel is joy, really. Of course that Real Madrid want to achieve the greatest success, but that is only possible if everyone in the team we support each other. That's what I feel for football.
XL. It is considered a type rather introverted and shy, but it seems when he jumps to the field. "It becomes another person when you play football?
M.Ö. I think so. Now I remember from my childhood: I saw a ball always only thought about kicking, having fun, to triumph. Since I was the same as a child.
XL. The sports press has already dedicated enthusiastic praise. What does this mean?
M.Ö. It makes me proud, but I was raised to keep my feet on the ground always in every situation of life.
XL. Who is the fiercest critic outside the club?
M.Ö. My father, Mustafa, is my biggest critic and adviser. It has always been honest with me. When not playing very well, I said I had to change this or that. What is doing and what I value.
XL. His new dorsal, 23, has not brought much luck to some of his latest carriers in the Real Madrid, as Wesley Sneijder and Rafael van der Vaart. Are not you superstitious?
M.Ö. I'm not concerned about the number of the shirt. The 23 was free and I was like, no more.
XL. In his first days in Madrid, the press highlighted a statement made by Mourinho according to which his German team-mate Sami Khedira and you do not speak English nor English well. How she manages?
M.Ö. I'm getting English lessons, things are going well. In addition, many players speak English and I translated. Of course, for me it's an advantage that Sami Khedira also been signed by Real Madrid, is a partner with whom I can talk and that helps me a lot.
XL. Where to learn English?
M.Ö. A teacher comes to my house two or three times a week. It makes me homework and I did it. I'm very diligent. I want to master the language as soon possible.
XL. What do they call his new teammates? In Bremen gave him the nickname of Messi ...
M.Ö. So I called in Bremen and so I called in the selection. Here in Madrid, I called Ozi, without the two dots over the O.
XL. You have a reputation for leading a normal life without luxuries or eccentricities. Now that is part of the galactic club .... How do you stand apart from temptation?
M.Ö. Not interest me. What I want is to continue to evolve as a player, succeed on the pitch. The world of the VIPs do not care. I'd rather be in my house with my family and friends.
XL. Hand on heart, do you tell the truth?
M.Ö. When I want to have fun, I enjoy and can do well with friends and family.
XL. Ensures that your biggest idol Zidane is French ... Or does it because he also had no interest in diving into the gilded world of fame?
M.Ö. Zidane has always fascinated me. His way of playing, cash, ambidextrous, unpredictable, dangerous in front of door. For me it was the perfect player.
XL. His country has come to describe as the new "German hero, an example of integration, a German model from Turkish emigration. Do you mind?
M.Ö. Absolutely. I have taken German citizenship because it is what I wanted. I chose the German team because as a child and wanted to play with Germany, because I belong to the third generation in Germany, because I feel great, because I have many friends there. That's what I want to convey to young people, if I can be a model to follow.
XL. It says he received pressure to "tip" by selection Turkish ... M. Ö.
not let me influence was my decision. My friends knew and supported me. For me there was no other country in the balance.
XL. Can you imagine as captain of the German?
M.Ö. What I want above all is doing well in Madrid and in my selection. I give the best for the coach to tell me again the next game.
XL. You met Angela Merkel at the World Cup came down to the locker room after the 4-0 win over Argentina. How was the meeting?
M.Ö. Very positive. The chancellor was very nice, very polite, very natural.
XL. What about her?
M.Ö. I'm a big fan of yours. I appreciate what he has achieved, what he has done for Germany. The treasure. South Africa was very warm, very friendly with us.
XL. Did you vote in the last election?
M.Ö. Yes, but I will say.
XL. In his country regularly reopening the debate on, for some, a misguided policy of integration held in Germany during the last decades. Are you bothered by these statements? M. Ö.
course. I sincerely hope that finally the day comes that in Germany we feel all like one big family. We all live together, many Turks also have a German passport, they want integration. So so sorry that this discussion is repeated again and again.
XL. How could change the situation in Germany?
M.Ö. The key is to know each other better, Germans and Turks. It is very important for people to exchange ideas, views and opinions. Thus, the integration work better.
XL. Back to the beginning: he learned to play football in a field surrounded by barbed wire and everyone in Gelsenkirchen, the city, called "the cage of monkeys." "There was already the king?
M.Ö. My older brother, Mutlu was very good, he also was very talented.
XL. But his brother now plays in a regional league. Is there any envy, jealousy between siblings?
M.Ö. Absolutely. Mutlu is always by my side, is very proud of me.
XL. Do you still keep in touch with old friends Gelsenkirchen?
M.Ö. Sure. Just being on vacation with them and one of these days will come to visit me here in Madrid.
XL. I recently saw him go by plane rental, economy class ...
M.Ö. Yes, I'm going to Mallorca with Air Berlin. And in Germany, domestic flights, do not mind sitting back.
XL. What has been the greatest luxury to have been permitted recently?
M.Ö. The most expensive was riding my house in Madrid.
XL. What saves things?
M.Ö. I save a lot, but I also want to enjoy life. I look at prices. For example, I like shopping in Zara, but if I like something also buy clothes at Dolce & Gabbana, Dsquared, or True Religion.
XL. Are you interested in fashion?
M.Ö. I have my own style, I myself seek clothing. They drive me crazy shoes. In my house there is even a room just for them.
XL. Among his passions are also the movies.
M.Ö. Yes, movies, action and gangster.
XL. What books do you read?
M.Ö. Adventure novels.
XL. In her spare time she still like table tennis ... Would he have been able to become professional?
M.Ö. I think so. I've always been pretty good.
XL. Finally, how they get their mates with you for the two defeats of Germany against Spain in World Cup and Euro? M. Ö.
Sure, Iker and has launched its taunt me. He said with a smirk on his face: "Maybe next time he is made ...».
Source: XL Semanal, by Marika Schaertl and Christian Witt.
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