Football is money, competititvidad, pressure, Glamour and many other things, but should never forget that it is a sport and its players, clubs and especially , players and coaches, have a significant responsibility to society. The players have been developed to mostly children and teenagers in "benchmarks" and "mirror" those who imitate and follow in their actions. This forces them "morally" spotless behavior to follow, not only within the field, but also outside it. Education demand and require, above all, credibility, and credibility is built (or apart) with the example (or counterexample). It seduces and conquers with concrete acts, coherence between speech and conduct, complicity between theory and practice; twinning between words and deeds. Verba Moventas, exempla trahunt . The words move, drag examples. The German theologian Romano Guardini said: "We educate more for what they are and do what we say. "Inconsistency between what one says and does weaken the solid construction of values. When thinking and behavior do not converge any deterioration in education. We want one thing and get the contrary.
Pope John Paul II, in a speech of May 7, 2000 led to 150 representatives from UEFA to those received in the Vatican, expressed the importance of football as a unifying values. So said the message of the Roman Pontiff:
"Right now, football has become a mass phenomenon that emphasizes the responsibility of those involved in their organization and promote the expansion of the sport at both professional and amateur. They are called never to lose sight of the significant educational opportunities that football can develop. On the other hand, athletes, especially the most famous, should never forget that become models for the world of youth. It is therefore important that, in addition to developing their athletic skills, are careful to cultivate those human and spiritual qualities that will make them true positive examples to the public. I ask that all professional football, from the organizers to their professional communication join efforts to ensure that football never loses its genuine property of sporting activity, which is not submerged by other concerns, especially economic. The Jubilee is an opportunity for football to become a true motive of promoting the greatness and dignity of man. Therefore, the structures that make up the football industry are called to be a land of authentic humanity, in which young people are encouraged to learn the great values \u200b\u200bof life and spread the great virtues that are the basis for a dignified human coexistence such as tolerance, respect for human dignity, peace and brotherhood. "
Players have to be aware of their impact and impact on youth. The most acclaimed player of all time, the "black pearl" in a statement said: "All children in the world who play football want to be like Pele. Therefore, I have a responsibility to show not only how to be a footballer but also a man. " The African Roger Milla on one occasion stated: "The players should work with programs to combat AIDS and against illiteracy, because, unlike other public figures, kids listen." The German Franz Beckenbauer, the "Kaiser" said something like: "A public figure has not only advantages, it also has many duties. You can invest in the cause of football. "
Footballers are often the mirror in which you look younger and, therefore, the guide serves as a compass in their modes of action and behave. This should push them to try to be very scrupulous in their actions and statements as they will be replicated immediately.
Preciado statements calling Mourinho "rogue" in a press conference before the game of Gijón-Madrid does not seem the most appropriate to say things. Everything must be said, not Mourinho sending "fuck" the referee (authority in the field of play) the other day in the match against Murcia seems best for all that we (adults and children) this sport.
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