female major party Law: The better the day to go riding with the kids, the more important the party that wants to see her husband on television.
female party impertinent Law: The chances of your husband and kids want to watch a football game at the same time the program that you like are directly proportional to the interest that you have seen the program.
silly injury law: The more fool partidillo is more risk of injury.
timer First Law: The minutes of the loser always run faster.
timer Second Law: The minute the referee always seem adds a lot to gain and little going for it is losing.
Top of withdrawal: The player should start thinking about retiring when the coach says: "You will enter later because I need your experience in the last quarter-hour."
sexual incompatibility: Football and the sixth are incompatible, but only if they are running simultaneously.
Laws of men and women about football:
a) What is football?
Man: Poetry in motion.
Women: My biggest competition.
b) Uniform
Man: comfortable attire to play football and to identify the peers.
Women: Clothes washing which consumes about three hours and a box of detergent.
c) Roberto Carlos
Man: Unforgettable Brazilian footballer.
Women: Brazilian singer Unforgettable.
d) Davor Suker
Man: Excellent player of Real Madrid.
Women: Ex-boyfriend Ana Obregon.
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