"Your Majesty, Your Highnesses, Excellencies and Grace authorities awarded Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. For over a hundred years of football is part of our daily life and will inexorably tied to the hopes and dreams of millions of English. We talked about him with such frequency and intensity that it is like one family. The football we talk before and after games that are played before and after the begin and complete their championships and no place to not be present. Football leaves no one indifferent, is not minor item.
We therefore beneficiaries of the status of certain privileges and responsibilities which can not be ignored. Bearers and articulate a universal phenomenon whose significance is no doubt that encourages us to try to be better every day. From 1920 until today, the English national team has brought together the feelings of generations of fans who accompanied the national team in their joys and in their sorrows, their triumphs and defeats, without looking, knowing that it was defending a few what chasing crowds. Team now receives Prince of Asturias is the repository of values \u200b\u200bthat go beyond the specific successes and its materiality, and is also legitimate heir of a tradition that we honor.
Those values \u200b\u200bare timeless character and profile factor. Are the effort, sacrifice, talent, discipline, solidarity and modesty. Players who have won the World Cup have been true to those principles and those of sportsmanship and honor. Defending reached the final victory. Otherwise not have been possible.
Spain's success in South Africa has been the reward for all this but also the result of convincing the players that they did was the best and faith in his proposed football. We never lacked neither the one nor the other. We were well aware that just might be able to cope with adversities and difficulties encountered to achieve what we set out. The selection was deeply satisfied to have achieved the success and being able to respond to the confidence that millions of English landed. The group I represent has all the virtues that a coach has always wanted. The unforgettable victory in South Africa gave us is for history and its walls, the humility of a group of players who have made modest a weapon so powerful and captivating as his own game.
Finally, I note the support received in South Africa in the first place by their Majesties, their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess of Asturias. To them our thanks for your support and your faith. Thank you very much. "
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